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The following article can help you understand the structure needed for your website. Read the entire article on web design, meta-tags and the relevancy factor.



What are people saying about you?

One of the most determining factors for someone to choose your product or service over someone else's is your past work. What you have done, but more importantly what people are saying about you is a key factor in getting new business.
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INACO website design, graphic design and IT consulting of San Diego can create professional logos, business websites with e-commerce, intra-nets or database driven programs and can assist with your merchant accounts, ssl, and trademarks.
INACO, website design, graphic design, IT consulting website development, design, e-commerce, database, PHP, SQL, San Diego, internet, marketing, intra-nets, logos, domain name, professional, communication, Le Tip of La Jolla, calendars, trackers, admin area, secure log in, merchant account, ssl, trademarks
INACO is a member of the Le Tip of La Jolla networking group.


So you have a website up and running. And you are ready to start making money. And the money is going to start rolling in, anytime now. Maybe. Maybe not. Do you know?

Let's go over what your website needs in order to help you make it a profitable business tool.

Let's begin by explaining that there are three important parts to a website.
1. Meta-Tags. 2. Content 3. Imagery

Meta-Tags are hidden fields, which search engines use to categorize and rank your website. These include the famous Keywords, and Descriptions. Other Meta-Tags also include: Robots, Revisit-After, Classification, Copyright, Author, Rating, Content, Distribution as well as others. These tags are hidden within the HTML code of your website. You may view them by going to your website, selecting View, then Source. Your Keywords should be 20 words or phrases that customers will most likely use to find your website via search engines. (Please note that being more specific with phrases like: San Diego Web Development, will increase your chances of a higher search engine ranking.) Your description should be two semi-coherent sentences, using your most important keywords. (Semi-coherent because the point is to get your keywords in there, even if it isn't grammatically correct.)

Your website Content is anything you have written on your website, which people can read. Let's remember that people use the internet as an information base, so having descriptions and information for your customers, will not only help you sell the customer, but will allow search engines to categorize and assess your website's worth. This means that the more relevant text you have, the more likely it will be that you have high search engine placement. By relevant, this means that your paragraphs of helpful (also sales) information should match what you have in your Meta-Tags (Keywords and Description).

Imagery is very important. Clear photographs of what you offer, people enjoying your product or service, or simply, something your type of customer would like seeing, are not only eye-catching but help close sales. “Wow that looks great.” – usually means that you have a new customer. Your photos aren't only selling tools though, they are also key aids in developing the relevancy we are talking about. All photographs have Alt tags, which are basically the photo's name. You should name your photos using the Keywords/Keyword Phrases from your Meta-Tags, which builds that relevancy.

Take a look at your website. Does it have all the useful information that your clients need? Does it have the photos that say a thousand words and will close that sale? Does is have all the necessary Meta-Tags? Do you have that relevancy factor the search engines are looking for? Is your website being submitted to the search engines?

If you answered NO to ANY of these questions, then you need to take a close look at your website, because it's probably not working as hard as it should be, and you're loosing clients and money.

If you answered YES to SOME of these questions and your website is doing ok, then how do you make it better? Start by taking a look at your traffic. Most web hosting companies will provide you, free of charge, with your site stats. Your site stats will tell you: How many people visit your website; Where they came from; How many pages they viewed; What page they enter from (it's not always your homepage); What page are they leaving on; and many other facts that will help you determine: IS YOUR WEBSITE WORKING FOR YOU?

So if you have no idea what I am talking about or simply want to learn more, please feel free to call me at: 619-426-9724, or email me at

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